From the community

Messages of Appreciation

Maybe you had an interaction with a Calgary Police Service member that you would like to thank them for, or maybe you’d just like to show your support? Regardless, we need your help to let the members of the Calgary Police Service know what they mean to Calgarians. It is our hope that these messages – long or short – uplift all CPS members and provide hope in times of darkness.

Allen Leier


Please take heart, your roll in out society is sooo important. You are our only hope for a safe and livable Calgary. THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORK (which I know is very hard and stressful), you are greatly valued. And be proud of your work and the ” Thin Blue LIne” Sincerely Allen Leier

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Russ Cornford


First of all I am behind 100% the wearing of the “Thin Blue Line” patch. For what the Police encounter, face and deal with every day there aren’t thanks enough. Especially in these times our Police should get all the funding and raises they deem necessary.

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You have a tough job with, what appears to be from the outside looking in, limited resources and continual budget cuts, but you do an amazing job.
There is a small minority of people that will never have respect for what you do (or what any police service does). Ignore them, the rest of us, the majority, have complete respect for what you do to keep Calgarians safe. Thank you

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Wild Rose County


We are so thankful for everything that you do, keeping our city safe, we salute you all??

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Thank you to officers who support the family and victims of school bullying. It seems the police are the only ones who will step up and call it out. You are giving these kids hope that life can be worth living.

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The van Niekerks


My family want to thank all the Calgary Police Service Officers for the daily sacrifices they make to keep our City safe! We are blessed to live in a City with a 1st class Police Service. Lots of people find it easy to criticize the Police without any thought of the dangers and complexity of a job where you are asked to put your life in danger to protect and serve a Community. Once again thank you to all the Police Officers for being there or all of us!

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Thank you for your service. Thank you for dedication to our city. Thank you for being there for people when they need help, and for the compassion and kindness that you show to our citizens.

You are appreciated, admired and respected.

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CPS Women and Men, ?
THANK YOU! for ALL You do for us!
With Much Appreciation & Gratitude!,
Mildred and Jim

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Kathy Mitchell


To our Calgary Police Officers

Thank you for your courage; the courage to face and conquer your own fears. The Courage it take for you to go where others will not go.

Thank you for your strength; the strength of body to protect others and strength of spirit to lead others

Thank you for your dedication; your dedication to do your job and do it well. Your dedication to your community to keep it safe.

Thank you for your concern for others who trust you and your compassion for those who need you..

Your service to our City is GREATLY APPRECIATED

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The Rouse Family


We want every single police officer to know how much we value you. Your efforts, your sacrifice, your professionalism, your bravery, your courage, you’r contribution to community, your smile when you maybe don’t feel like it, your empathy and your dedication to keep us safe. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, today and every single day. We hope these messages carry you through your dark days and remind you why you joined the service. The overwhelming majority of people support you. Don’t forget that for a minute. Thank you SO much for everything you do.

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Daunalee Zentner


I have the upmost respect for all Police officers, Ive seen what they deal with in society that most people have no idea. They put their lives on the line every day. They pushed on a daily based to the brim and I’ve seen so many officers handle it with dignity and patience. I salute all the officers in Calgary!

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Alex Rideout


I have only lived in Calgary since 2017 but want to express my gratitude for the fine Police Officers of CPS. I am a retired military person who has been exposed to extreme conditions at times during my service but never to the daily never ending battle the CPS face every day. I came home and was able to work in a safe environment until required to go again. It could be months and years between tours but these men and women do it every day. I take my hat off to you all. God bless every one of you and keep you safe as you keep us safe.

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Lorraine Williams


Thank-you for keeping Calgary safe ! My husband and I appreciate all that you do. Everyday I think how difficult your job is with the increase in violence and having your hands tied in court. GREAT WORK ! GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

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Theresa Roessel


Over the last couple of years I have come to realize and appreciate the complexity, and difficulty, of the work our Calgary Police Service does every day – and I have had the privilege of seeing the efforts they are making to improve outcomes for the citizens of Calgary. We are lucky as Calgarians to have such a dedicated group of fellow citizens working on our behalf to make Calgary a better place. Thank you to all the members of the Police Service for the work you do!

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Len Martin


To all the wonderful members of the Calgary police service, Thank you.
Please know that the vast majority of honest citizens in this city are behind you 100%. My wife and I wear the thin blue line patches as we want to show our support for all members of CPS.
Again, thank you for your service.

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Chris Singer


Thank you for everything that you do daily. Knowing that you are there for us in this world we live in today, keeping us safe.
Words can not express my appreciation. Thank you,thank you and stay safe.

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John Middleton.


I am a native Calgarian. 65 years in Calgary.I’ve always been proud of our police service. I’ve got few speeding tickets from time to time but deserved them. Other than the odd exception I’ve been treated with respect.
I appreciate our police service and have the utmost respect for the job you do. Know that most of us do appreciate and respect you and the work you do. It’s a difficult job you have and even harder these days. I hope this page gives you a little encouragement and assures you many of us care and respect the job you do. Thank you for being there for us.

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Heather Forsyth


I support our police and deeply appreciate the job they do day in and day out. Keep up the great work

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Colin Hill


I appreciated all the hard work and effort that is put in by the woman and men of our Calgary Police Service. You have difficult and demanding jobs and I thank all of those in service who are adapting the best they can to the how society is evolving away from a Eurocentric view. You keep us safe and support us when needed. Thank you.

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John Billes


My family and I strongly support the wonderful work done by the Calgary Police Service. Our city is lucky to have so many hard working men and women in the CPS keeping all of us safe. Keep up the good work.

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Thank you for your vigilance and steadfast determination in continuing to keep Calgary a safe place to live. There are so many voices trying to be heard, with this project I hope you hear the gratitude of the people who continue to support all that you do.

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J. Nunweiler


My husband and myself would like to thank our police officers for their wonderful service to our community and our city of Calgary. Not all HEROES wear capes….Thanks for all you do!

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Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for showing up to work everyday despite the negative attention surrounding you. So many people will never know the amount of hard work and dedication that goes into your jobs.

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Donna Staples


My husband is a police officer and I know how hard he works and how much he cares. I often see small amounts show up on our account statement because he has bought someone a meal or a coffee. Why do the phone-bandits never video these interactions? We don’t hear about these type of stories but they are happening all the time. You can be assured that in your time of need, our police officers will always be there for you.

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Maureen Johnstone


I am so thankful that I live in Calgary because it is filled with caring and generous citizens. I appreciate the men and women of the Calgary Police Service who come to work each day, not knowing what they will face or have to endure. They chose to become a police officer because they wanted to make a difference in this city and they do. Thank you for all you do for us and I hope and pray that you all remain safe and strong while performing your duties.

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